Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Ann Barnhardt's Ignorance of Holy Orthodoxy

In her latest podcast, the self-proclaimed 'non-effeminate' Ann Barnhardt attempts to attack Holy Orthodoxy once again, flailing around from a position of exposed ignorance, firing wildly in all directions and throwing rhetorical hand grenades like a madwoman, knowing nothing of what she speaks, having no clue where her supposed enemy lies.  Ms. Barnhart is like a lone soldier of Papism, cut off from any supply lines or comrades, isolated and alone in an enemy wilderness, suffering a great many privations.  Spiritually emaciated yet brutally determined to survive, strung-out and hunkered down, she manages to defend her position through the sheer force of self-will and an uncompromising reliance upon her basic Roman Catholic training to carry her through period after period of exhaustion, hunger, and moments of panic.  It is all she has left to keep herself moving, living, breathing, and awake.  To keep the hope of Papism alive in herself.

Ann Barnhardt is convinced by the powerful feelings of her own self-willed anti-effeminacy, by her drill-instructor cadence and manner of speaking, by her self-proclaimed "innate" ability to "recognize objective truth," and, of course, by the Roman Catholic talking points she has never taken the time to question.  

Ms. Barnhardt, though admirable in her valiance, cannot see that her feverish anxieties and her isolation stem from the very same Rome, the very same Roman Curia, that she claims is only just now corrupt beyond all measure.  As if that very same Rome, only just now full of faggots and led by a diabolical pederast named Francis, was any different 100, 200, or even 500 years ago.  Was it so different from now?  And if so, in what ways?  She admits to the existence of horribly impious and even diabolical bishops of Rome, yet she refuses to consider that maybe that same Rome has been pumping out contradictory teachings, lies, disingenuous posturing, and deceptive propaganda for many centuries.  Maybe there have even been criminal groups in Rome and The Vatican for many centuries, jostling for power, covering up the crimes of pederasts, making deals with usurers, and all the same things happening today.  Historical evidence points to this being true beyond any doubt.  One can really only argue the scale of such crimes, and, like most other TradCats, Ms. Barnhardt has convinced herself that the scale of such crimes was virtually zero and most certainly zero in terms of their effect on official Roman doctrine and teaching.

Like her childishly black-and-white, Pure-Good-versus-Pure-Evil understanding of World War II, she honestly believes that the pre-Vatican II Roman sect was some sort of spotless, perfectly white-and-shining Bride of Christ.  She actually thinks that Rome is still this perfectly spotless Bride of Christ and she manages this neat little trick by mentally creating another entity she calls "The Church" that is virginal, untouched, and perfect, one wholly and magically unaffected by either this current Pope and his Lavender Mafia, or by any of the other diabolical popes and antipopes of centuries past. Such a feat can only be accomplished within the Roman papal system by gnosticizing that system.  This is done primarily by reducing the Roman Catholic sect, and thereby even the Papacy itself, to something called 'The Magisterium'.  Ask any Romanist where this 'Magisterium' lies, where it is codified, if it is even a tangible document or series of documents, who has the authority to add to it, edit it, or change it, how one even knows what is and is not included in it, and you will get an endless number of answers, none of which can square the circle of Papism and its historical and theological contradictions.

None of this will stop Ms. Barnhardt.  No siree. Remember, in case you have forgotten, she is not effeminate and she can see objective truth.  If only you stupid people would just get that through your heads.  If not, she will remind you again and again and again.

In Ann's latest epileptic fit of self-assuring condemnation of all things non-Papist, she veritably froths at the mouth while convulsing very many sophomoric and pedestrian Romanist talking points about Holy Orthodoxy.  The grand whopper of her latest shrill diatribe is her claim that anyone can understand that the Filioque is true in "about seven seconds."

Seven seconds.  In this one comment alone she disparages the majority of saints and Holy Fathers of the first one thousand years of the Church, as well as an entire phalanx of doctors and theologians from post-schism Rome.  Two thousand years, seven seconds.  Seven seconds, two thousand years.  Huh.  That is some pretty impressive, speedy, objective truth-seeing on her part.  Such are the gifts of a non-effeminate girl from the American Midwest.

GK Chesterton said the one thing he hated most was "mere light sophistry".  If brushing aside Holy Scripture and 2000 years worth of discourses of the highest quality and of the deepest, most advanced, most abstruse of Christian theology, if judging as wasteful, unnecessary, and imbecilic all the writings, thoughts, debates, and meditations of philosophers, theologians, monks, bishops, and saints upon this very topic is not the very height of "mere light sophistry," then it is only because it is so base as to not reach the level of sophistry.  It is such a crude comment that I'm not sure Chesterton's quote even applies.  Regardless, GK Chesterton has made his position clear.  Ann Barnhardt should listen and not make light of weighty things.

Besides insulting a great many saints and Church Fathers, Ms. Barnhardt stated, claimed, and asserted that:

  • we Orthodox 'slaughtered' Josaphat Kuntsevych (who was later beatified by Rome and is known to Romanists as Saint Josephat)
  • that Josaphat Kuntsevych was "totally sound, totally Catholic, totally Byzantine"
  •  Orthodox Christians are "schismatics"
  • the Orthodox Church allows for three marriages
  • the Orthodox Church does not teach the necessity of Confession and teaches that sins are forgiven merely during the act of approaching the Holy Chalice to receive the Holy Eucharist.
  • Confession is proclaimed to be optional and not necessary in the Orthodox Church
  • the Orthodox Church accepts contraception
  • we Orthodox reject the Holy Apostle Peter
  • we Orthodox are "unsound about the Trinity itself" and that we say the "the Son and the Holy Ghost individually and separately proceed only from the Father" and that this is "obviously, obviously wrong if you just sit down and think about it for more than seven seconds."
  • we Orthodox are "intransigent" in the Filioque controversy
  • "of course the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son, because the Holy Ghost is the manifestation of the intercourse of love between the Father and the Son, the First Person and the Second Person of the Triune Godhead."
  • "to say that the Holy Ghost only proceeds from the Father makes no sense"
  • "the Holy Ghost is, like, it's the image of marriage and, you know, human marriage is the image that we can all relate to best of the Trinity.  You have Person Number One, you have Person Number Two, they have an intercourse of love and, yes, I used the word 'intercourse' very, very consciously, um, intercourse of love yields a third.  Why in the world would you then say that the First Person of the Triune Godhead has another person proceeding forth from them without the intercourse of love? That's the entire point, that God is relational, that's why He's Triune.  He has to be relational. "
  • "Easterners have been unsound on things for a long, long time"
  • we have "Ceasaropapism" and that our churches are "attached" to the State and compares us to Anglicans as having kings and queens as the heads of our churches

We're not going to respond to curt dismissiveness with curt dismissiveness.  We would like to offer in-depth responses to Ann Barnhardt's claims and comments about Holy Orthodoxy, for those who wish to investigate these issues soberly and thoroughly. 

In the following installments we will speak to these claims briefly and offer links to articles and books which provide further explanation of how and why Ms. Barnhardt's statements are either false, misleading, or unfair.  They are all based on a woeful and cocksure ignorance.

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Logic, Rationalism, and Rome

It is quite clear to us why Western theologians with all their logical scrupulousness could not see the unity of the Church in any other way...